Offering your customers the option to pay by card often means that you receive your money faster and completely avoids the chances of non-payment and bad debt. It puts you in control and also gives you customers the flexibility of paying you with a credit card to spread the cost of bigger jobs. Additionally accepting card payments helps portray you and your business as professional and well run. All important when building trust with new customers
We have teamed up with SumUp to provide our Gold members with a SumUp air with their membership.
We chose SumUp after researching the market and comparing a number of products. The SumUp service is simple to set up, flexible to use and has a very low transaction fee.
It takes less than 5 minutes to set you up. We can walk you through this is you need us to. All you need to do is:
No more dirty cash, so important in the current post pandemic world.
You can accept all major cards, credit cards and contactless, subject to card issuer limits.
Additionally, you can send payment links via WhatsApp/text however we recommend that you take a payment on the spot where you can.
Your customer wants a receipt? No probs, email one directly from your phone. It will be in their inbox the next time they look.
Low charges
As a Gold Member you will receive an air reade in your welcome pack (along with some other goodies!) so no need to buy one. You can set it up yourself or we can walk you thought t, whatever suits. The fee is 1.69% so of you take a payment of £100 you pay less than £1.70 for the peace of mind that getting paid instantly gives you. No more embarrassing calls to ask for money from late payers.
Record keeping
All your transactions are recorded and can be view via the SumUp dashboard. You can even download them for your accountant/bookkeeper
So, what are you waiting for, get signed up and get going with veetoo trades Gold Membership, SumUp is just one of many fantastic benefits we have lined up for you, find out more and join us by clicking here